Monday, October 11, 2010

Thyme Essential Oil Week!

Thyme is a very powerful herb, but the oils is even stronger. It has many amazing healing powers, it can be used for a number of different applications. 

Thyme has been around for a log time, the Egyptians used it as one of the ingredients for embalming. The spread of the oil through Europe is credited to the ancient Romans, they used it to flavoring foods.

Some of the benefits are:

Thyme has a good amount of potassium so that makes it good for blood pressure and the bloodstream.

Thyme also contains a lot of antioxidants mainly flavonoids. Antioxidants work very well in the bloodstream by helping the body's cell heal themselves from internal damage. The right type of antioxidants are very important in helping prevent heart disease and some says some forms of cancer.

Healing wounds (small cuts) is another, it does this by preventing bacteria from growing on and within the wound. The thymol in it, will also help prevent infections.

It will also help cleanse the mouth, thymol is one of the ingredients in Listerine.

It is also know for its ability to kill parasitic intestinal worms, put a few drops in a cup of tea.

Check out the blog for growing herbs!!

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